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Senator on Trump’s short list to head FBI dropped as speaker at historically black university


Here’s an idea, if students want to plan a “no show” graduation over a speaker then lick a stamp and mail the diploma – PB/TK

Senator on Trump’s short list to head FBI dropped as speaker at historically black university – / May 13 2017

Once reserved for cheesy senior photos at campus landmarks, college commencement exercises have graduated into something different six months after Donald Trump was elected president: a battleground for protesting conservative policies and the people who promote them.

The latest quarrel ended Friday, when the historically black Texas Southern University canceled one of its scheduled commencement speakers — John Cornyn, the Republican senator from Texas who is on Trump’s shortlist to head the FBI, according to a Washington Post report.

The rescinded invitation came after students threatened to boycott a commencement ceremony featuring Cornyn and signed a petition on Change.org demanding that the university drop the senator because of his policy stances.

The petition called Cornyn’s presence an “insult” to Texas Southern and other HBCUs and suggested that students have a right to boycott their own graduation ceremony if the administration kept Cornyn as speaker against their wishes.

Continue to washingtonpost.com article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/grade-point/wp/2017/05/13/a-historically-black-college-rescinded-a-republican-senators-invitation-to-speak-at-its-commencement/?tid=sm_tw&utm_term=.77663975b7a3


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