Snowden uses report that Russia may turn him over as proof he is not spy


    Spy no.  You conceived a plan and  broke the law, broke your oath and ran away like the chickensh*t that you are.  – PB/TK

    Snowden uses report that Russia may turn him over as proof he is not spy –  By

    Edward Snowden, the former National Security contractor who leaked classified material in 2013, is using the report that Russia is considering handing him over to the U.S. as a “gift” as evidence that he is not a spy.

    “Finally: irrefutable evidence that I never cooperated with Russian intel. No country trades away spies, as the rest would fear they’re next,” Snowden tweeted late Friday night.

    Snowden linked his tweet to an NBC News report that claimed Russians are weighing a handover to “curry favor” with President Trump. The report cited an unnamed senior U.S. official who said he analyzed intelligence reports detailing the conversations.

    A government source told Fox News that Russia believes it has exhausted Snowden’s value and at this point he is more useful as a bargaining chip for Putin. The source could not speak to the concept of using Snowden as a “gift” to the U.S.

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