Seriously you guys in the GOP suck! You’ve had 7 years of promising to get rid of Obamacare and failed. You’ve had countless attempts to repeal Obamacare and failed. You’ve had the majority of Congress for the past few years and failed.
You’ve got both the Executive and Legislative branches yet you can barely get anything done. Yet when one part of the equation is successful you hold a victory lap in the Rose Garden.
The GOP could’ve (and should’ve) had the repeal process ready to roll Nov 9 after the election, but nope they just had to wait till January 2017 for the new Congress to be sworn in because they wanted the new guys to have a say in any repeal process.
Nope you guys were to worried about being lame ducks for 6 weeks, waiting for Christmas vacation to go home and kiss hands while shaking babies.
So what if Obama would’ve vetoed your repeal, you could’ve attempt a veto override. Hell you tried it before in January 2016 and even had a few DEM join ya.
But alas, you suck at negotiating.
Wait, wait, I can’t blame the GOP as a whole in this rant because it was the Senate who failed miserably on repeal over the past few months. They immediately called the House measure “dead on arrival” while they danced in the Rose Garden. The Senate failed at every type of backroom negotiation to secure colleague “yea” votes. The GOP Senate failed at showing what their repeal/replace plan to colleagues, both GOP and DEM, to help sway their vote.
So after 7 years of waiting, after 7 years of unfulfilled promises, how does it feel to be jilted at the Congressional alter ‘Murica?
That’s it, slap the tap because it’s Happy Hour somewhere and you gotta pay your political tab.