Some conservatives chime in: Trump immigrant ban is not American


    Well I’ll give President Donnie credit, he was able to do something President Bush43 couldn’t do; He united when he probably could’ve divided – PB/TK 

    Some conservatives chime in: Trump immigrant ban is not American  – Howard LaFranchi,  Reporter  Christian Science Monitor
    Normally, getting the likes of the ACLU, the Koch brothers, Chuck Schumer, John McCain, high-tech moguls, and some evangelical groups to agree on anything might seem like Mission Impossible.
    But President Trump’s hastily imposed orders – temporarily suspending refugee resettlement and issuing 90-day travel bans for residents of seven Middle Eastern and African countries – have spawned a diverse opposition and a strikingly unified outcry of  “This is not who we are.”
    And while the wave of protests around the nation will probably not cause the president to back down, some critics say the uproar sends an important message around the world that America won’t close its doors quietly – especially to people based on their religion.
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