Source: Kasich, Hickenlooper consider unity presidential ticket in 2020 (


    Is a “super bipartisan” Presidential team-up in 2020 needed to truly unite the US and keep Congress working instead of gridlock we’ve been accustomed too- PB/TK 

    Source: Kasich, Hickenlooper consider unity presidential ticket in 2020 – By Mark Preston ( / Aug 25 2017

    Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper have entertained the idea of forming a unity presidential ticket to run for the White House in 2020, a source involved in the discussions tells CNN.

    Under this scenario, Kasich, a Republican, and Hickenlooper, a Democrat, would run as independents with Kasich at the top of the ticket, said the source, who cautioned it has only been casually talked about.

    “The idea of a joint ticket has been discussed, but not at an organizational or planning level,” said the source, who spoke only on the condition of anonymity. “What they are trying to show the country is that honorable people can disagree, but you can still problem solve together. It happens in businesses and it happens in families. Why can’t it happen in Washington?”

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