St. Louis Alderman Larry Arnowitz resigns while under federal investigation (St Louis Post-Dispatch)


    St. Louis Alderman Larry Arnowitz resigns while under federal investigation – By Mark Schlinkmann & Robert Patrick (St Louis Post-Dispatch) / March 3 2020

    ST. LOUIS — Alderman Larry Arnowitz, who abruptly resigned Tuesday afternoon, will turn himself into federal authorities Wednesday, his lawyer said.

    Arnowitz’ brief letter of resignation cited “personal reasons.”

    Defense lawyer Patrick Conroy said Arnowitz, 66, would turn himself in to federal authorities Wednesday morning to face a federal fraud charge.

    “He made a mistake,” Conroy said. “We anticipate that the government’s going to allege that the alderman converted some monies from his campaign fund for personal use,” he said.

    “The monies involved, while legally significant, (are) in the big picture nickels and dimes. And he obviously knows that he’ll be making full restitution to his campaign fund,” the lawyer said.

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