Steve Bannon’s rise forces Breitbart News out of the shadows, and the basement


    Breitbart News Washington office is moving out of Bannon’s basement.. No seriously they operate out of his DC townhouse’s basement with all the freeze pops and cat litter box -PB/TK

    Steve Bannon’s rise forces Breitbart News out of the shadows, and the basement – Paul Singer , USA TODAY March 23 2017

    WASHINGTON —  Breitbart News has stepped out of the fringes of American politics and is now, quite literally, moving out of the basement as well.

    The bare-knuckled conservative news organization has moved its office out of the house where former chief Steve Bannon lived, has begun to reluctantly disclose its ownership, and, in its quest for official recognition, may even go so far as to publicly declare who runs the place.

    Breitbart has for the past several years operated, basically, out of Bannon’s house. Bannon was the executive chairman of Breitbart News and the ideological engine behind the site’s bareknuckled anti-immigration, anti-government ideology. He and the site both operated out of a townhouse on Capitol Hill a couple of blocks behind the Supreme Court. It became known as the “Breitbart Embassy,” site of lavish parties upstairs and the typing of a staff of young reporters downstairs, whom Bannon  referred to as “the Valkyries.”

    But then Bannon became Trump’s campaign manager last summer and is now chief strategist in the White House.

    Breitbart is rising with Bannon and is now trying to become a credentialed member of the Senate Daily Press Gallery, joining The New York Times, USA TODAY and other mainstream news outlets. This would given them access to the Capitol that is on par with congressional staff. It would also allow them to participate in White House “pools,” providing coverage of events to the rest of the press corps when space for reporters is limited.

    But membership in that club requires a level of transparency Breitbart News has long shunned. The office location is the first hurdle. Breitbart News has declared the Breitbart Embassy as its office address, but that is not really true.

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