Home Conservative Student’s Science Fair Project Connecting Race And IQ Sparks Investigation (Daily Wire)

Student’s Science Fair Project Connecting Race And IQ Sparks Investigation (Daily Wire)


Student’s Science Fair Project Connecting Race And IQ Sparks Investigation – By Amanda Prestigiacomo (dailywire.com) / Feb 12 2018

An investigation has been launched into a California high school student’s science fair project connecting race and IQ, reports The Los Angeles Times. The school district is reportedly investigating how the controversial project was able to be put on display at the fair in the first place.

The student, who is said to be of Asian descent and is enrolled in C.K. McClatchy High School’s advanced Humanities and International Studies (HISP) program, hypothesized that the lack of racial diversity in the HISP program was tied to IQ, in his project aptly titled “Race and IQ.”

The project was submitted to the school’s fourth annual science fair on Monday, but after sparking sufficient outrage by staff, students, and community members, the project was removed on Wednesday.

“If the average IQs of blacks, Southeast Asians, and Hispanics are lower than the average IQs of non-Hispanic whites and Northeast Asians, then the racial disproportionality in (HISP) is justified,” said the hypothesis of the project.

The student’s project concluded that the racial disproportionality of HISP was “justified.”

“The lower average IQs of blacks, Southeast Asians, and nonwhite Hispanics means that they are not as likely as non-Hispanic whites and Northeast Asians to be accepted into a more academically rigorous program such as HISP. Therefore, the racial disproportionality of HISP is justified,” stated the project.

On Saturday, Sacramento City Unified School District Superintendent Jorge Aguilar released a video concerning the matter, in which Aguilar condemned the project.

“Yes, we’ll respect freedom of speech. But we will also uphold our duty to limit speech that is likely to cause disruption to our students,” said the superintendent. “No student should ever be made to feel that their race has anything to do with their ability to succeed.”

The day after the project was removed from the fair, C.K. McClatchy High School Principal Peter Lambert sent an email to parents addressing the project, “saying that the school is taking the incident seriously and implementing appropriate measures to provide an inclusive environment,” notes the Times.



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