Substitute teacher allegedly drank from box of wine during class. Then things got messy


    Bad teacher alert!  That ain’t no juice box in her purse, but seriously how big of a purse can hold box wine? – PB/TK

    Substitute teacher allegedly drank from box of wine during class. Then things got messy. –

    A South Carolina high school substitute teacher was accused by her students of drinking wine during class Friday — and an open box of wine was found in her bag, WIS-TV reported, citing a Lexington County Sheriff’s Department incident report.

    But that wasn’t all.

    Judith Elizabeth Richards-Gartee, 52, reportedly threw up on the floor of the Brookland-Cayce High School classroom, WIS said, adding that she couldn’t stand up when an administrator arrived and had to be rolled to the nurse’s office in a wheelchair before being taken to a hospital.

    Richards-Gartee was arrested after the incident, the station reported, adding in a separate story that she was charged with disorderly conduct.

    WIS said that she is not an employee of Lexington School District Two but works for an outside vendor.

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