Home Conservative Supremes take up challenge to Biden’s censorship scheming (WND)

Supremes take up challenge to Biden’s censorship scheming (WND)


Supremes take up challenge to Biden’s censorship scheming – By Bob Unruh (WND) / Oct 20, 2023

Trial judge found government as acting like ‘Ministry of Truth’

The Supreme Court formally has taken up a major challenge to Joe Biden’s scheming to censor ideas and opinions he dislikes by using social media to do the work for him.

The trial judge in the case, U.S. District Terry A. Doughty, had issued a July 4 ruling that the government, in fact, was playing the Orwellian role of a “Ministry of Truth” and ordered a halt.

That halt has been pending at a mid-level appellate court.

Essentially, the program set up by the Biden administration worked like this: Since government cannot directly censor speech, Biden’s bureaucrats would work with various sympathetic foundations or other organizations.

CONTINUE > https://www.wnd.com/2023/10/supremes-take-challenge-bidens-censorship-scheming/


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