Tall Tales: Before George Santos, politicians from Biden to Clinton fibbed about their past (Just The News)


    Tall Tales: Before George Santos, politicians from Biden to Clinton fibbed  about their past | Just The News

    Tall Tales: Before George Santos, politicians from Biden to Clinton fibbed about their past – By Aaron Kliegman (Just The News) / Dec 28, 2022

    Political history is littered by figures who exaggerated their credentials, or told tall tales about the backgrounds.

    Well before Rep.-elect George Santos (R-N.Y.) admitted to fabricating key details of his biography, lying about one’s past was a rich political exercise. President Joe Biden got caught boasting about bogus academic credentials, Hillary Clinton made up a sniper attack in Bosnia, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren had to apologize for claiming Native American heritage.

    Santos made headlines this week for admitting to the New York Post and WABC radio that he lied on the campaign trail about his education and work experience – specifically about where he attended college and his alleged employment history with high-profile Wall Street firms.

    “My sins here are embellishing my resume. I’m sorry,” Santos said Monday, confessing he never graduated from any college and “never worked directly” for Goldman Sachs and Citigroup. Santos chalked up his misleading claims to a “poor choice of words.”

    CONTINUE > https://justthenews.com/accountability/political-ethics/resume-padders-george-santos-these-politicians-lied-about-their



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