Texas cop under fire for video claiming police ‘do not execute or enforce laws on immigration


    Why the hell are you on Facebook Live when you’re to be patrolling the streets?!  You better not have been testing and driving mister. – PB/TK

    Texas cop under fire for video claiming police ‘do not execute or enforce laws on immigration’ – 

    A Texas police officer’s Facebook Live video has gone viral after he told illegal immigrants they would be safe from deportation in his city.

    In a nearly six-minute video posted on his Facebook page Wednesday, Officer Daniel Segura of the Fort Worth Police Department spoke entirely in Spanish, publicly proclaiming to illegal immigrants that Fort Worth has not enforced immigration laws for many years.

    “In the City of Fort Worth for many, many years, we have not enforced immigration laws. We are not federal officials that can enforce federal immigration laws. I want to make that very, very clear,” Segura said in the video. “We, in Fort Worth, do not execute or enforce laws on immigration so that people that live in Fort Worth do not have the fear that we can possibly deport them. That is not true.”

    Continue to theblaze.com article: http://www.theblaze.com/news/2017/02/03/texas-cop-under-fire-for-video-claiming-police-do-not-execute-or-enforce-laws-on-immigration/


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