Home Conservative The Left’s Obsession With Obscenity

The Left’s Obsession With Obscenity


Seriously we’re gonna knock everyone that curses on a hot mic as a “liberal.” – PB/TK

The Left’s Obsession With Obscenity – By Mark Tapson / June  19 2017

“The foolish and wicked practice of profane cursing and swearing,” declared George Washington, “is a vice so mean and low that every person of sense and character detests and despises it.” Theodore Roosevelt concurred: “Profanity is the parlance of the fool. Why curse when there is such a magnificent language with which to discourse?” The answer is that profanity is a useful substitute for discourse when one is losing a debate and needs to trump reason with passionate intensity in order to win. That is what is happening in the current degraded state of our national political conversation.

I’m not talking about the cursing that the average American citizen may do in private, which is common enough on both sides of the political fence. I’m not talking about a careless slip of the tongue during a radio interview, or being caught on an open mic letting loose with a profanity. I’m talking about an entire political party which gleefully embraces swearing in speeches and protests, on social media and clothing slogans, in news media and entertainment. I’m talking about public figures from entertainers to talk show hosts to politicians intentionally and unapologetically hurling obscenities.

It should come as no surprise that that political party is the Democratic Party, which is in the grip of the far left, and that those public figures are invariably so-called Progressives.

Needless to say, the following examples come with a maximum-level language alert.

Continue to frontpagemag.com article: http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/267024/lefts-obsession-obscenity-mark-tapson


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