Home Conservative The NeverTrump Outrage of a Disappointed Elite

The NeverTrump Outrage of a Disappointed Elite


Yes folks the so-called outrage is an illusion as they bite each other on the field of play and rub each others shoulders behind the scenes. The Soros’ and Kochs of the elite pay the bills but light each others cigars with every breathe – PB/TK

The NeverTrump Outrage of a Disappointed Elite – By Brice Thornton / July 14 2017

When I was a kid, an outfit called Big Time Wrestling would come to town. The favorite rivalry was between stage gringo Ray Stevens and the chivalric Pepper Gomez. Fierce disputes over which champion was better would break out on the playground after a bout. Then one day an older Mexican kid shattered our illusions by informing us that he had seen Stevens and Gomez laughing together over dinner in Chinatown.

Welcome to American politics, where the educational and economic elites, especially in the bicoastal politico-media complex, are bound together by a privilege that transcends the lurid dramas of conflicting ideologies.

Two recent columns talk about this divide between mass and elite in American society. David Brooks, house-conservative at the New York Times, wrote a much-ridiculed, but still perceptive column about what defines the American elite, and how they ensure that their children will inherit their privilege, and the less-privileged will be kept out. By using their wealth to “invest” in their kids’ success––the best schools, public or private; the means to pay for tutors, SAT prep courses, internships, and foreign travel; and the social connections to help them matriculate at Ivy League and other top-notch schools, 70% of whose admissions come from the top 25% of income distribution.

Continue to frontpagemag.com article: http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/267273/nevertrump-outrage-disappointed-elite-bruce-thornton



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