Home Liberal The Psychological Condition that Best Explains Donald Trump’s Twisted Worldview

The Psychological Condition that Best Explains Donald Trump’s Twisted Worldview


America’s increasingly abnormal politics have now surrendered to dystopia.

Donald Trump, a serial liar, narcissist, failed businessman, political con artist, adulterer, professed grabber of women’s genitals without their permission, man who does not read, ignoramus, admirer and fan of despots and dictators, encourager of vigilante violence against innocent people, actor in a porn video, person who does not pay his employees, member of the Vladimir Putin fan club, racist landlord, preferred candidate of neo-Nazis and other fringe racists, professional wrestling villain, and candidate who incites violence against his political opponents, is now the 45th president of the United States of America.

Continue to AlterNet article:  http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/congratulations-america-youve-elected-actual-fascist-president


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