The Space Force Has a Song (Defense One)


    The Space Force Has a Song – By Jacqueline Feldscher and Bradley Penison (Defense One) / Sept 20, 2022

    The song honors the “invisible front line” of warfighters keeping watch “beyond the blue.”

    The Space Force has a song, and it doesn’t mention the aliens, intergalactic horse rides, or planetary conquests that were the signature of the many parodies that have plagued the service for nearly three years.

    The 40-word song was unveiled Tuesday at the Air and Space Forces Association’s Air, Space & Cyber conference outside Washington, D.C., by Gen. John Raymond, the Space Force’s first, and soon-to-retire, chief of space operations.

    The song, “Semper Supra,” was named after the Space Force’s motto, which is Latin for “always above.” Two musicians with ties to the military collaborated to create the song. James Techenor, a former member of the Air Force band at the Air Force Academy, wrote the song and melody. The musical arrangement was done by Sean Nelson, a member of the U.S. Coast Guard band.


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