Home Liberal The Terror Attacks Trump Won’t Talk About

The Terror Attacks Trump Won’t Talk About


Well the article kinda has a point, because if you actually read the “List of 78” there are a few attacks listed with “US Person(s)” listed as attacker. Who are they? But then again the “List” also notes a stabbing/shooting as a terroristic attack and by that measure Alex Hribal should be listed after stabbing 20+ of his classmates at Franklin Regional High School in 2014 – PB/TK

The Terror Attacks Trump Won’t Talk About –  Feb. 7, 2017 5:30 AM

On Monday, in a case little noticed by the national media, a man went on trial in federal court for plotting a potentially horrific terrorist attack in upstate New York. In 2015, this man allegedly planned to enlist accomplices to help him bomb a house of worship and open fire with assault rifles on any bystanders. “High casualty rates” was the goal. “If it gets down to the machete, we will cut them to shreds,” he allegedly said, according to prosecutors.

Also on Monday, the Trump White House released a list of 78 attacks carried out in the US and abroad by “radical Islamic terrorists” since 2014, which it said were mostly “underreported,” following the president’s own claim earlier in the day that the media conspired to ignore such attacks. But had the upstate New York plotter succeeded, he would not have made the White House list. The individual charged with masterminding that plan was Robert Doggart, a 65-year-old white man from Tennessee who allegedly conspired to form a militia and attack a Muslim community in Islamberg, NY, on “behalf of American patriotism.”

As the media picks apart the White House’s absurd suggestion that attacks in Paris, San Bernardino, Orlando, and elsewhere were somehow ignored, the bigger story may be this: Trump has been almost entirely silent about terror plotted and carried out by white supremacists and other far-right extremists.

Continue to motherjones.com article: http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2017/02/terror-attacks-trump-wont-talk-about-white-supremacists


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