The U.S. Will Sell $1.42 Billion Worth of Arms to Taiwan, Courting China’s Wrath

    The sale of  $1 billion+ worth of arms to Taiwan went under the radar as Media and Pundits talk about POTUS Donnie’s latest tweet. Pretty positive China is gonna hold that against the US as we plead for their help in trying to control North Korea – PB/TK
    The U.S. Will Sell $1.42 Billion Worth of Arms to Taiwan, Courting China’s Wrath – By David Brunnstrom and Arshad Mohammed /  June 29 2017

    The United States plans to sell Taiwan $1.42 billion in arms, the first such sale under the administration of Donald Trump and a move sure to anger China, whose help the president has been seeking to rein in North Korea.

    U.S. State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert told reporters the administration had told Congress of the seven proposed sales on Thursday.

    “It’s now valued about $1.42 billion,” she said.

    The State Department said the package included technical support for early warning radar, high speed anti-radiation missiles, torpedoes and missile components.

    Nauert said the sales showed U.S. “support for Taiwan’s ability to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability,” but there was no change to the United States’ long-standing “one China” policy, which recognizes Beijing and not Taipei.

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