Home Conservative They Tried and Failed to Oust KJP (Hot Air)

They Tried and Failed to Oust KJP (Hot Air)


They Tried and Failed to Oust KJP – By David Strom (Hot Air) / April 26, 2024

Karine Jean-Pierre is indisputably one of the worst communications professionals in politics.

That isn’t a controversial statement. She sucks. She is as quick on her feet as Biden, which is to say not at all, and as convincing a communicator as Joe Isuzu. Remember Joe Isuzu? He at least was an obvious joke.

KJP represents the President of the United States.

CONTINUE > https://hotair.com/david-strom/2024/04/26/they-tried-and-failed-to-oust-kjp-n3787284