‘They wear the cap’: Ex-GOP congressman rips members who are silent on KKK


    Former GOP Congressman JC Watts calls out his fellow GOP’ers by saying those that have remained silent these past 8 days are in agreement with the KKK vision.

    We don’t have to keep revisiting the US Racism’ history and point fingers at which side was once what then and now. We don’t have to revisit that JC Watts endorsed Rand Paul and was not a Donnie supporter. 

    But does he have a point, does every member of Congress, every politician in office or not, need to let everyone know where they stand on Racism and if they don’t then they are complaisant – PB/TK 

    ‘They wear the cap’: Ex-GOP congressman rips members who are silent on KKK – By Dylan Stableford / Aug 20 2017


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