This Is What Happens When a 3-Year-Old Steals a White House Official’s Phone


    Twitterverse and Punditry were all confused about Sarah Huckabee Sanders cryptic tweets and the truth comes out.  This is why I have my phone locked at all times – PB/TK

    This Is What Happens When a 3-Year-Old Steals a White House Official’s Phone – By Gordon Hurd / June 11 2017

    In the early hours of Saturday morning, Twitter followers of Sarah Huckabee Sanders were greeted with a baffling message of an unknown political nature. Seemingly taking a page from Donald Trump’s infamous “covfefe” incident from last month, the official Twitter account of White House deputy press secretary and deputy assistant to the president lit up with a string of emojis amid the words “:/9//” followed by “lolaklkk”

    Within the hour, onlookers on Twitter began speculating, joking, and arguing about what the message could possibly mean

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