TikTok filled with real horrors, fake claims as Russia invades Ukraine – By Claire Goforth (Daily Dot) / February 24, 2022
Some of the TikToks appear to be authentic—but some don’t.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine may be the first war documented on TikTok. Some TikToks appear to be authentic, while many are not. Some are being posted by aggregators and passed off as originals. Others are being altered or faked.
The world is watching. And while some are utilizing the platform to document a war in real-time, other TikTok opportunists are eager to cash in on the attention.
After months of buildup, Russia invaded Ukraine this week. Russia’s assault is being conducted via ground, air, and sea.
Social media is full of accounts of the fighting and terror in Ukraine. TikTokers are posting footage of missiles, explosions, helicopters, planes, and destruction.
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