Tim Scott condemns “terrible” clip Trump shared showing man yelling “white power” (MSN)


    Tim Scott condemns “terrible” clip Trump shared showing man yelling “white power” – By Melissa Quinn (CBS News) / June 28 2020

    Washington — South Carolina Senator Tim Scott denounced a since-removed video shared by President Trump on Twitter on Sunday morning in which a man can be heard yelling “white power,” with Scott calling the clip “terrible” and “inappropriate.”

    “The truth of the matter is when you hear things like that racist chant towards white power, we should have the same response with the same type of energy that we have for those folks we know have been disadvantaged for so long,” Scott, a Republican, said on “Face the Nation” when asked about Mr. Trump’s tweet. “We should stand up and say that’s not right. And I’m saying the exact same thing now.

    Scott said he watched the full video shared by the president, and called it “terrible.”

    Continue to article: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/tim-scott-condemns-terrible-clip-trump-shared-showing-man-yelling-white-power/ar-BB164nm1?li=BBnbfcL


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