Home Conservative To Drain The Swamp, Conservatives Need A DC Ground Game

To Drain The Swamp, Conservatives Need A DC Ground Game


Interesting article, but where are the solutions to drain the so-called swamp?

Members of Congress barely read legislation, either their staff is highlighting sections for them or they’re pushing what the special interest lobbyist tells them too which in turn gets the politician money which helps pay for multimillion dollar campaign costs.

Maybe to help drain the swamp we should change campaign laws, say limit campaign to X dollars and only allow 2 months to campaign (Congress already gets a few long breaks during the summer, there’s the campaign schedule) and maybe put shock collars on lobbyists to help politicians walk straight.

But simply saying “sticking to Conservative principles” does magically make the Swamp go poof – PB/TK

To Drain The Swamp, Conservatives Need A DC Ground Game – By Jim Demint / July 25 2017


In 1910, Teddy Roosevelt gave what would become the most widely quoted speech of his career. “It is not the critic who counts,” he said. The credit, rather, “belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood.”
During my time in public service, I’ve been honored to work beside conservatives in Washington and citizen-leaders around the country who have rolled up their sleeves to fight for freedom “in the arena.” Now I’ve dedicated my time to continue fighting with these courageous men and women in two critical ways.
One is working around the country with state and local leaders, and conservative heroes like Tom Coburn and Mark Levin, to harness the power of the people to reign in our out-of-control federal government with an Article V Convention of the States. The second is filling a gap that has long existed in the conservative movement: a support structure to help conservatives in Washington succeed, and avoid being consumed by the DC swamp.


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