Home Conservative Today’s deep question: What “major announcement” will Trump make today? Update: Trading...

Today’s deep question: What “major announcement” will Trump make today? Update: Trading cards? (Hot Air)



Today’s deep question: What “major announcement” will Trump make today? Update: Trading cards? – By Ed Morrissey (Hot Air) / Dec 15, 2022

“America needs a superhero,” declares Donald Trump, barely audible over the cacophony of heroic music in a new campaign video dropped last night on Truth Social. It’s actually tough to imagine anything America needs less in a culture awash with comic-book entertainment, and cinemas filled with silly characters in tights shooting beams out of their eyes and fists.

Speaking of which, here’s the video that came from a declared presidential candidate last night:

The New York Post calls this a “bizarre video,” which is certainly accurate. It might be also called “a desperate attempt at relevance”:

“Former President Donald Trump teased an upcoming announcement with a superhero-themed video Wednesday, baiting his Truth Social followers with a promise of a major announcement the following day…”

CONTINUE > https://hotair.com/ed-morrissey/2022/12/15/todays-deep-question-what-major-announcement-will-trump-make-today-n517943


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