Home Today's History Lesson TODAY’S HISTORY LESSON: FEB 12



2019 – WWII aircraft carrier USS Hornet, which sank in 1942 with loss of 140 sailors re-discovery announced by Vulcan Inc. near the Solomon Islands

1111 – King Henry V, King of Germany and Italy, arrives in Rome for his coronation as Holy Roman Emperor, but Pope Paschal II refuses to crown him until April owing to the Investiture Controversy

1429 – Battle of the Herrings fought during Hundred Years’ War when French and Scottish troops unsuccessfully attack English convoy (carrying barrels of herrings) near Rouvray

1502 – Muslims in Granada forced to convert to Catholicism

1541 – The city of Santiago, Chile was founded.

1554 – Lady Jane Grey was beheaded after being charged with treason. She had claimed the throne of England for only nine days.

1733 – Savannah, GA, was founded by English colonist James Oglethorpe.

1771 – Gustav III becomes the King of Sweden after the death of predecessor Adolf Frederick

1793 – 1st US fugitive slave law passed; requires return of escaped slaves

1825 – Creek Indian treaty signed. Tribal chiefs agree to turn over all their land in Georgia to the government & migrate west by Sept 1, 1826

1836 – Mexican General Santa Anna crosses the Rio Grande en route to the Alamo.

1851 – Edward Hargraves and three other men discover gold at Ophir, New South Wales, beginning Australia’s first gold rush

1870 – In the Utah Territory, women gained the right to vote.

1878 – Frederick W. Thayer patented the baseball catcher’s mask.

1879 – The first artificial ice rink opened in North America. It was at Madison Square Garden in New York City, NY.

1892 – In the U.S., President Lincoln’s birthday was declared to be a national holiday.

1894 – Anarchist Émile Henry hurls a bomb into Paris’s Cafe Terminus, killing one and wounding 20

1907 – A collision of the steamer Larchmont and a schooler resulted in the death of more than 300 people. The incident occurred off New England’s Block Island.

1909 – The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was founded.

1912 – China’s boy emperor Hsuan T’ung announced that he was abdicating, ending the Manchu Ch’ing dynasty. Subsequently, the Republic of China was established.

1915 – The cornerstone of the Lincoln Memorial was laid in Washington, DC.

1918 – All theatres in New York City were shut down in an effort to conserve coal.

1924 – U.S. President Calvin Coolidge made the first presidential political speech on radio.

1925 – Estonia passes Law on Cultural Self-Government for National Minorities, allowing a unique degree of autonomy to ethnic and religious groups of 3,000 or more

1934 – The Export-Import Bank was incorporated.

1940 – Mutual Radio presented the first broadcast of the radio play “The Adventures of Superman.”

1941 – First injection of penicillin into a patient by British physician Charles Fletcher at Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford, England

1950 – Albert Einstein warns against hydrogen bomb

1953 – The Soviets break off diplomatic relations with Israel after the bombing of Soviet legation.

1962 – Bus boycott starts in Macon, Georgia

1964 – Fighting breaks out between Turks and Greeks over dispute islands in Cyprus and 16 are killed; the UN responds the following month by sending a peacekeeping force

1972 – Senator Edward Kennedy advocates amnesty for Vietnam draft resisters.

1973 – The State of Ohio went metric, becoming the first in the U.S. to post metric distance signs.

1973 – American prisoners of war were released for the first time during the Vietnam conflict.

1974 – The Symbionese Liberation Army asks the Hearst family for $230 million in food for the poor.

1987 – A Court in Texas upholds $8.5 billion of a fine imposed on Texaco for the illegal takeover of Getty Oil.

1989 – 5 Pakistani Muslim rioters killed protesting “Satanic Verses” novel

1989 – Loyalist paramilitary group kill Pat Finucane, a Belfast lawyer who represented republican hunger striker Bobby Sands, while he is having dinner with family

1993 – In Liverpool, England, a 2-year-old boy, James Bulger, was lured away from his mother at a shopping mall and beaten to death. Two ten-year-old boys were responsible.

1998 – A U.S. federal judge declared that the presidential line-item veto was unconstitutional.

1999 – U.S. President Clinton was acquitted by the U.S. Senate on two impeachment articles. The charges were perjury and obstruction of justice.

2001 – The space probe NEAR landed on the asteroid Eros. It was the first time that any craft had landed on a small space rock.

2002 – Kenneth Lay, former Enron CEO, exercised his constitutional rights and refused to testify to the U.S. Congress about the collapse of Enron.

2002 – The trial of former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic began at the U.N. tribunal in The Hague. Milosevic was accused of war crimes during the Balkan wars of the 1990s.

2002 – Pakistan charged three men in connection with the kidnapping of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in Karachi.

2003 – The U.N. nuclear agency declared North Korea in violation of international treaties. The complaint was sent to the Security Council.

2004 – Mattel announced that “Barbie” and “Ken” were breaking up. The dolls had met on the set of their first television commercial together in 1961.

2007 – A gunman opens fire in a mall in Salt Lake City, killing 5 people in the Trolley Square shooting.

2013 – North Korea conducted its third underground nuclear test.

2016 – Pope Francis meets Patriarch Kirill in Havana – first meeting between Catholic and Russian Orthodox church heads for nearly 1,000 years

2017 – Emergency spillway at Oroville Dam, California threatens to collapse, 180,00 residents ordered to evacuate

2017 – North Korea conducts a solid fuel ballistic missile test from Banghyon air base

2019 – Australian government loses historic vote on own bill with amendment to allow offshore sick refugees access to healthcare, first loss in 78 years

2019 – NASA data shows the world has got greener – 5% more leafier since early 2000s, mostly due to tree planting in China, intensive farming in India

2019 – US national debt tops 22 trillion for the first time according to US Treasury

2019 – WWII aircraft carrier USS Hornet, which sank in 1942 with loss of 140 sailors re-discovery announced by Vulcan Inc. near the Solomon Islands

2021 – Tokyo Olympics Chief Yoshiro Mori resigns after his comments that talkative women made meetings “drag on too long”

REFERENCE: history.net, onthisday.com, thepeopleshistory.com, timeanddate.com, scopesys.com, on-this-day.com

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