1238 The Mongols burn the Russian city of Vladimir
1668 The Netherlands, England and Sweden conclude an alliance directed against Louis XIV of France.
1783 Great Siege of Gibraltar launched by France and Spain against the British colony during American War of Independence is lifted after 3 years and 7 months
1795 11th Amendment to US Constitution ratified, affirms power of states
1818 The first successful U.S. educational magazine, Academician, begins publication in New York City.
1839 Henry Clay declares in Senate “I had rather be right than president”
1882 American pugilist John L. Sullivan becomes the last of the bare-knuckle world heavyweight champions with his defeat of Patty Ryan in Mississippi City.
1904 Disastrous fire destroyed more than 1,500 buildings in downtown Baltimore.
1907 The Mud March, first large procession organized by the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies (NUWSS)
1922 DeWitt and Lila Acheson Wallace offered 5,000 copies of “Reader’s Digest” magazine for the first time.
1926 Negro History Week, originated by Carter G. Woodson, is observed for the first time.
1936 A flag is authorized for US Vice President
1940 Walt Disney’s second feature length movie, “Pinocchio” premieres
1950 Senator Joe McCarthy finds “communists” in US Department of State
1950 The United States recognizes Vietnam under the leadership of Emperor Bao Dai, not Ho Chi Minh who is recognized by the Soviets.
1971 Women in Switzerland were finally granted suffrage.
1973 US Senate creates Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities
1976 FCC raids & shuts down pirate radio station WCPR (Brooklyn New York)
1983 Iran opens an invasion in the southeast of Iraq.
1985 “Sports Illustrated” released its annual swimsuit edition. It was the largest regular edition in the magazine’s history at 218 pages.
1990 USSR Communist party agrees to allow opposition political parties
1991 The IRA launches a mortar attack on 10 Downing Street during a cabinet meeting.
2018 Armed groups release 300 child soldiers from Yambio, South Sudan according to UN
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