
    1236 Henry III marries Eleanor of Provence.

    1526 Francis of France, held captive by Charles V for a year, signs the Treaty of Madrid, giving up most of his claims in France and Italy.

    1559 Elizabeth I is crowned Queen of England “The Virgin Queen” was the daughter of Anne Boleyn and King Henry VIII.

    1639 The first constitution of Connecticut, Fundamental Orders, was adopted.

    1784 The United States ratified treaty with England ending the Revolutionary War.

    1858 Emperor Napoleon and Empress Eugenie escape unhurt after an Italian assassin throws a bomb at their carriage as they travel to the Paris Opera.

    1864 Confederate President Jefferson Davis writes to General Joseph E. Johnson, observing that troops may need to be sent to Alabama or Mississippi.

    1873 John Hyatt’s 1869 invention ‘Celluloid’ was registered as a trademark.

    1882 The Myopia Hunt Club, in Winchester, MA, became the first country club in the United States.

    1916 British authorities seize German attaché Franz von Papen’s financial records confirming espionage activities in the U.S.

    1920 Berlin is placed under martial law as 40,000 radicals rush the Reichstag; 42 are dead and 105 are wounded.

    1942 President Franklin D. Roosevelt orders all aliens in the U.S. to register with the government.

    1942 A reluctant but resigned Roosevelt signed the War Department’s blanket Executive Order 9066, which authorized the physical removal of all Japanese Americans into internment camps.

    1943 Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Charles DeGaulle meet at Casablanca to discuss the direction of the war.

    1943 Italian occupation authorities refuse to deport Jews living in their territories in France.

    1952 NBC’s “Today” program debuts on NBC hosted by Dave Garroway. The show was the first of it’s kind and copied not only in the US but worldwide .

    1959 Hudson and Nash, two different car companies, become one on this day. They have become the AMC (American Motors Association).

    1963 George Wallace sworn in as Alabama’s governor, promising “segregation forever.”

    1969 The U.S. Aircraft Carrier ship Enterprise exploded in Pearl Harbor. The cause of this explosion was the accidental detonation of a rocket, which destroyed 15 planes, injuring 300 people, and caused 27 deaths.

    1972 NBC-TV debuted “Sanford & Son.”

    1973 The Miami Dolphins became the first NFL team to go undefeated and have a perfect season by beating the Washington Redskins in Super Bowl VII.

    1980 Gold prices had skyrocketed in the US on this day in 1980. The price and value of gold had increased after it had been released from government control. It had cost as high as $800.00 per ounce during this time.

    1980 The United Nations votes 104-18 to deplore the Soviet aggression in Afghanistan.

    1981 Finally, this date was the end of a hostage crisis that started in the year 1979. University students who were backed by leaders of Iran’s post-revolutionary regime (group of people in power after Iran was changed from a monarch to an Islamic republic). Originally, over 60 people had been held captive, 52 of which for a total of 444 days.

    1993 The British government pledged to introduce legislation to criminalize invasions of privacy by the press.

    1994 U.S. President Clinton and Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed Kremlin accords to stop aiming missiles at any nation and to dismantle the nuclear arsenal of Ukraine.

    1998 Whitewater prosecutors questioned Hillary Rodham Clinton at the White House for 10 minutes about the gathering of FBI background files on past Republican political appointees.

    1999 The U.S. proposed the lifting of the U.N. ceilings on the sale of oil in Iraq. The restriction being that the money be used to buy medicine and food for the Iraqi people.

    2000 UN tribunal sentences 5 Bosnian Croats to prison for up to 25 years; they were charged with killing some 100 Muslims in a Bosnian village in 1993.

    2004 The Republic of Georgia restores the “five cross flag” as its national flag after some 500 years of disuse.

    2005 The European Huygens space probe lands on Saturn’s moon Titan

    2005 George W. Bush announced a program called Vision for Space Exploration.According to one source, one of the purposes of the Vision for Space Exploration was to re-ignite enthusiasm for space travel in the United States after the 2003 Space Shuttle Columbia disaster

    2008 Bobby Jindal takes office as governor of Louisiana as the first elected Indian-American governor of the U.S.

    2010 Yemen declares war on al-Qaeda terrorist group.
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