
    1606 – Guy Fawkes was executed after being convicted for his role in the “Gunpowder Plot” against the English Parliament and King James I.

    1627 – Spanish government goes bankrupt

    1696 – Revolt by undertakers after funeral reforms (Amsterdam)

    1747 – The first clinic specializing in the treatment of venereal diseases was opened at London Dock Hospital.

    1865 – The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives. It was ratified by the necessary number of states on December 6, 1865. The amendment abolished slavery in the United States.

    1874 – Jesse James gang robs a train at Gads Hill, Missouri

    1876 – All Native American Indians were ordered to move into reservations.

    1900 – The final report of the USA’s Philippine Commission is released, favouring territorial government for the islands with home rule in local affairs, but with US assumptions of ultimate responsibility for the government.

    1911 – Congress names San Francisco as Panama Canal opening celebration site

    1929 – The USSR exiled Leon Trotsky. He found asylum in Mexico.

    1940 – The first Social Security check was issued by the U.S. Government.

    1943 – Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus surrenders to Soviet troops at Stalingrad

    1945 – Private Eddie Slovik became the only U.S. soldier since the U.S. Civil War to be executed for desertion.

    1946 – A new constitution in Yugoslavia created six constituent republics (Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia) subordinated to a central authority, on the model of the USSR.

    1957 – Trans-Iranian oil pipe line finished

    1961 – Ham the chimpanzee is 1st primate in space (158 miles) aboard Mercury/Redstone 2

    1972 – British Home Secretary Reginald Maudling to House of Commons on ‘Bloody Sunday’, “The Army returned the fire directed at them with aimed shots and inflicted a number of casualties on those who were attacking them with firearms and with bombs”

    1978 – Israel turns 3 milt outposts in West Bank into civilian settlements

    1980 – Police storm occupied Spanish embassy in Guatemala City, killing 41

    1982 -10 Arabian oryx (extinct except in zoos) released in Oman

    1985 – The final Jeep rolled off the assembly line at the AMC plant in Toledo, OH.

    1995 – U.S. President Clinton invoked presidential emergency authority to provide a $20 billion loan to Mexico to stabilize its economy.

    1996 – In Columbo, Sri Lanka, a truck was rammed into the gates of the Central Bank. The truck filled with explosives killed at least 86 and injured 1,400.

    2000 – Family GP Dr Harold Shipman is jailed for life for murdering 15 of his patients, making him Britain’s most prolific convicted serial killer

    2001 – A Scottish court in the Netherlands convicted one Libyan and acquitted a second in the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, that occurred in 1988.

    2007 – Suspects are arrested in Birmingham in the UK, accused of plotting the kidnap, holding and eventual beheading of a serving Muslim British soldier in Iraq

    2009 – In Kenya, at least 113 people are killed and over 200 injured following an oil spillage ignition in Molo, days after a massive fire at a Nakumatt supermarket in Nairobi killed at least 25 people.

    2017 – Romanian government passes emergency decree to release prisoners and decriminalise corruption charges, triggering huge protests in Bucharest

    2017 – US President Donald Trump fires Attorney General Sally Yates after she instructs Justice Department officials not to defend Trump’s travel ban

    2018 – Trump administration formally suspends the Clean Water Act

    2019 – Colonization of the America’s in the late 1500s killed so many people it cooled the planet and led to a “Little Ice Age”, according to a scientific report published in “Quaternary Science Reviews”

    2019 – Catholic leaders in Texas name 286 priests and others accused of sexually abusing children, dating back to 1940

    2020 – United Kingdom formally withdraws from the European Union (Brexit)


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