
    1190 Frederick Barbarossa drowns in a river while leading an army of the Third Crusade.

    1692 Bridget Bishop is hanged in Salem, Mass., for witchcraft.

    1776 The Continental Congress appoints a committee to write a Declaration of Independence.

    1793 The Jardin des Plantes zoo opened in Paris. It was the first public zoo.

    1801 The North African State of Tripoli declared war on the U.S. The dispute was over merchant vessels being able to travel safely through the Mediterranean.

    1861 Dorothea Dix is appointed superintendent of female nurses for the Union army.

    1898 U.S. Marines land in Cuba.

    1903 Binney & Smith Company began developing a product line of wax crayons. The product was named Crayola.

    1905 Japan and Russia agree to peace talks brokered by President Theodore Roosevelt.

    1916 Mecca, under control of the Turks, falls to the Arabs during the Great Arab Revolt.

    1920 The Republican convention in Chicago endorses women’s suffrage.

    1924 The Italian socialist leader Giacomo Matteotti is kidnapped and assassinated by Fascists in Rome.

    1924 The Republican National Convention was broadcast by NBC radio. It was the first political convention to be on radio. 1925 Tennessee adopts a new biology text book denying the theory of evolution.

    1935 Alcoholics Anonymous is founded Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith established the mutual aid fellowship to battle alcoholism. Today, the organization is active in many countries around the world.

    1942 The entire male population of the Czech village of Lidice was massacred in retaliation for the death of Nazi official Reinhard Heydrich.

    1948 The news that the sound barrier has been broken is finally released to the public by the U.S. Air Force. Chuck Yeager, piloting the rocket airplane X-1, exceeded the speed of sound on October 14, 1947.

    1963 Buddhist monk Ngo Quang Duc dies by self immolation in Saigon to protest persecution by the Diem government.

    1967 The Six-Day War ends Israel and Syria agreed to observe a ceasefire mediated by the United Nations, ending six days of armed conflict. On the previous day, Israel had occupied the Golan Heights.

    1971 The U.S. ended a 21-year trade embargo of China.

    1977 James Earl Ray, the convicted assassin of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., escaped from a maximum security prison in Tennessee, he was recaptured three days later.

    1985 The Israeli army pulls out of Lebanon after 1,099 days of occupation.

    1986 The Civil unrest continues in South Africa in Shanty Towns with Young Black protesters attacked by self styled conservative militia armed with guns , clubs and Knives, The Militia are attacking hospitals and schools and burning them to the ground with a number of deaths and casualties reported.

    1986 Patrick Joseph Magee is convicted of planting the bomb at the Grand Hotel in Brighton during the 1984 Conservative Party conference which killed five people and nearly wiped out most of Margaret Thatcher’s cabinet on October 12th 1984.

    1993 It was announced by scientists that genetic material was extracted from an insect that lived when dinosaurs roamed the Earth.

    1994 U.S. President Clinton intensified sanctions against Haiti’s military leaders. U.S. commercial air travel was suspended along with most financial transactions between Haiti and the U.S.

    1996 UN Experts and Iraq Officials have started dismantling a Biological Weapons Factory outside of Baghdad as called for by sanctions imposed by the UN following Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990.

    1998 The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that poor children in Milwaukee could attend religious schools at taxpayer expense.

    2002 Attorney General John Ashcroft announces that José Padilla a.k.a. Abdulla al-Muhajir was arrested in Chicago on May 8th, 2002, on suspicion that he was an Al-Qaeda terrorist planning to detonate a dirty bomb in the U.S. A dirty bomb is a radiological dispersal device (RDD), which combines radioactive material with conventional explosives. The effects are not the same as a nuclear bomb Nuclear bomb is a weapon of mass destruction compared with. Dirty bomb is a weapon of mass disruption. A dirty bomb may not be hugely destructive in physical terms, it would have a huge psychological effect.

    2003 Ontario, Canada issued the first full same-sex marriage licenses in North America.

    2013 Former CIA technical worker, Edward Snowden, was identified as the source who leaked information about the NSA’s Prism program to the UK’s Guardian newspaper. Snowden leaked information related to the United States’ phone and internet secret surveillance programs. Snowden revealed these details out of what he believed was moral obligation to the public.

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