537 The Goths lay siege to Rome.
1502 Ismail I, founder of the Safavid dynasty, crowned Shah of Persia (rules till 1524)
1665 A new legal code is approved for the Dutch and English towns, guaranteeing religious observances unhindered.
1665 NY approves new code guaranteeing Protestants religious rights
1779 US Army Corps of Engineers established (1st time)
1810 The Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte is married by proxy to Archduchess Marie Louise.
1824 The U.S. War Department creates the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Seneca Indian Ely Parker becomes the first Indian to lead the Bureau.
1861 A Confederate Convention is held in Montgomery, Ala., where the new constitution is adopted.
1888 A torrential rainstorm hit the East Coast. The rain turned to snow the next day and it became the Blizzard of 1888, the most famous snowstorm in American history. It caused more than 400 deaths.
1900 British Prime Minister Lord Salisbury rejects the peace overtures offered from Boer leader Paul Kruger.
1901 U.S. Steel was formed when industrialist J.P. Morgan purchased Carnegie Steep Corp. The event made Andrew Carnegie the world’s richest man.
1904 After 30 years of drilling, the north tunnel under the Hudson River was holed through. The link was between Jersey City, NJ, and New York, NY.
1905 The Parisian subway is officially inaugurated.
1907 President Teddy Roosevelt induces California to revoke its anti-Japanese legislation.
1918 Moscow becomes capital of revolutionary Russia
1930 President Howard Taft becomes the first U.S. president to be buried in the National Cemetery in Arlington, Va.
1941 President Franklin D. Roosevelt authorizes the Lend-Lease Act which authorizes the act of giving war supplies to the Allies.
1966 Three men are convicted of the murder of Malcolm X.
1969 Levi-Strauss starts to sell bell-bottomed jeans.
1973 An FBI agent is shot at Wounded Knee in South Dakota.
1985 Mikhail Gorbachev is named the new Soviet leader.
1988 A cease-fire was declared in the war between Iran and Iraq.
1992 Former U.S. President Nixon said that the Bush administration was not giving enough economic aid to Russia.
1993 Janet Reno won unanimous Senate confirmation to be the first female U.S. Attorney General.
1993 North Korea withdrew from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty refusing to open sites for inspection.
1997 An explosion at a nuclear waste reprocessing plant caused 35 workers to be exposed to low levels of radioactivity. The incident was the worst in Japan’s history.
2002 Two columns of light were pointed skyward from ground zero in New York as a temporary memorial to the victims of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
2004 191 people die as several bombs explode on Madrid commuter trains
2011 9.0 magnitude earthquake strikes 130 km (80 miles) east of Sendai, Japan, triggering a tsunami killing thousands of people and causing the second worst nuclear accident in history
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