
    0031 1st Easter, according to calendar-maker Dionysius Exiguus

    0708 Constantine begins his reign as Catholic Pope.

    1306 Robert the Bruce was crowned king of Scotland.

    1634 Lord Baltimore founds the Catholic colony of Maryland.

    1655 Christian Huygens discovered Titan. Titan is Saturn’s largest satellite.

    1807 British Parliament abolishes slave trade throughout the British Empire; penalty of £120 per slave introduced for ship captains

    1813 The frigate USS Essex flies the first U.S. flag in battle in the Pacific.

    1894 Jacob Sechler Coxey and his “army” of unemployed men began their march from Ohio to Washington, DC.

    1905 Rebel battle flags that were captured during the American Civil War are returned to the South.

    1911 A fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company, a sweatshop in New York City, claims the lives of 146 workers.

    1919 The Paris Peace Commission adopts a plan to protect nations from the influx of foreign labor.

    1949 The Soviet Union begins deporting some 90,000 Estonians, Latvians, and Lithuanians to some of Russia’s most inhospitable areas

    1953 The USS Missouri fires on targets at Kojo, North Korea, the last time her guns fire until the Persian Gulf War of 1992.

    1957 The European Common Market Treaty is signed in Rome. The goal is to create a common market for all products–especially coal and steel.

    1965 The 25,000-person Alabama Freedom March to protest the denial of voting rights to blacks, led by Martin Luther King Jr., ended its journey from Selma on the steps of the State Capitol in Montgomery, Ala.

    1975 King Faisal of Saudi Arabia is assassinated by his nephew

    1975 Hue is lost and Da Nang is endangered by North Vietnamese forces. The United States orders a refugee airlift to remove those in danger.

    1981 The U.S. Embassy in San Salvador is damaged when gunmen attack, firing rocket propelled grenades and machine guns.

    1983 The U.S. Congress passed legislation to rescue the U.S. social security system from bankruptcy.

    1988 Thousands of people join the first peaceful demonstrations against the communist regime in Czechoslovakia

    1994 U.S. troops withdrew from Somalia.

    1995 WikiWikiWeb, the world’s first wiki, is launched

    1996 An 81-day standoff by the antigovernment Freemen began at a ranch near Jordan, MT.

    2004 The U.S. Senate voted (61-38) on the Unborn Victims of Violence Act (H.R. 1997) to make it a separate crime to harm a fetus during the commission of a violent federal crime.

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