
    1152 Frederick Barbarossa is chosen as emperor and unites the two factions, which emerged in Germany after the death of Henry V.

    1461 Henry VI is deposed and the Duke of York is proclaimed King Edward IV.

    1634 Samuel Cole opens the first tavern in Boston, Massachusetts.

    1681 England’s King Charles II granted a charter to William Penn for an area that later became the state of Pennsylvania.

    1766 The British Parliament repeals the Stamp Act, the cause of bitter and violent opposition in the colonies

    1789 The Constitution of the United States went into effect.

    1791 Vermont is admitted as the 14th state. It is the first addition to the original 13 colonies.

    1793 George Washington is inaugurated as President for the second time.

    1794 The 11th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was passed by the U.S. Congress. The Amendment limited the jurisdiction of the federal courts to automatically hear cases brought against a state by the citizens of another state. Later interpretations expanded this to include citizens of the state being sued, as well.

    1797 Vice-President John Adams, elected President on December 7, to replace George Washington, is sworn in.

    1801 Thomas Jefferson becomes the first President to be inaugurated in Washington, D.C.

    1861 The Confederate States of America adopt the “Stars and Bars” flag.

    1861 Abraham Lincoln is inaugurated as the 16th US President

    1877 Emile Berliner invented the microphone.

    1901 William McKinley is inaugurated president for the second time. Theodore Roosevelt is inaugurated as vice president.

    1902 A very useful company called AAA (American Automobile Association) was founded on this day.

    1908 The New York board of education bans the act of whipping students in school.

    1912 The French council of war unanimously votes a mandatory three-year military service.

    1914 Doctor Fillatre of Paris, France successfully separates Siamese twins.

    1918 The first documented cases of the Spanish flu herald a deadly worldwide pandemic

    1921 Warren G. Harding is sworn in as America’s 29th President.

    1925 Even during this time in history surplus military goods were being offered. In this case, about $150 million dollars worth of Navy goods were being offered to citizens of Charleston.

    1933 Franklin D. Roosevelt is inaugurated to his first term as president in Washington, D.C.

    1936 The Hindenburg makes it’s first official flight in Germany.

    1950 Walt Disney’s “Cinderella” was released across the U.S.

    1952 North Korea accuses the United nations of using germ warfare.

    1952 Ernest Hemingway had finished a novel entitled The Old Man and the Sea on this day.

    1965 Nun sisters from the Franciscan Order of Nuns showed films of their convents, orphanages, and other centers located in U.S., Canada, and foreign lands. One of the films dealt with the subject of treating paralysis and poverty in North America

    1966 John Lennon is interviewed by Maureen Cleave of The London Evening Standard and part of his interview talks about popularity of THE BEATLES and he is quoted as saying “Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I do not know what will go first, rock ‘n’ roll or Christianity…We’re more popular than Jesus now”

    1975 Queen Elizabeth II knights Charlie Chaplin.

    1980 Robert Mugabe becomes Zimbabwe’s first black prime minister

    1987 President Reagan takes full responsibility for the Iran-Contra affair in a national address.

    1989 Time Inc. and Warner Communications Inc. announce plans to merge into the world’s largest media and entertainment conglomerate.

    1998 Microsoft repaired software that apparently allowed hackers to shut down computers in government and university offices nationwide.

    1998 The U.S. Supreme Court said that federal law banned on-the-job sexual harassment even when both parties are the same sex.

    2006 George Bush has thanked Pakistan for its role in the War on Terror, but said that more would be needed

    2009 Ted Kennedy has been offered an honorary knighthood. The Queen has agreed the honor for John F. Kennedy’s brother for his services to the Northern Ireland peace process.

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