Home Today's History Lesson TODAY’S HISTORY LESSON : MARCH 5



1770 – “The Boston Massacre” took place when British troops fired on a crowd in Boston killing five people. Two British troops were later convicted of manslaughter.

0363 – Roman Emperor Julian moves from Antioch with an army of 90,000 to attack the Sassanid Empire, in a campaign which will bring about his own death.

1046 – Naser Khosrow begins the seven-year Middle Eastern journey which he will later describe in his book Safarnama.

1461 – Henry VI was deposed by Duke of York during War of the Roses

1496 – England King Henry VII issues letters patent to John Cabot and his sons, authorizing them to explore unknown lands.

1528 – Utrecht Governor Maarten van Rossum plunders The Hague

1558 – Smoking tobacco introduced in Europe by Francisco Fernandes

1616 – Nicolaus Copernicus’ revolutionary book De revolutionibus orbium coelestium is banned by the Catholic Church. In the book, Copernicus claimed that the Earth revolves around the sun. The Church maintained Ptolemy’s geocentric system. The book is considered a milestone in the history of astronomy.

1623 – The first alcohol temperance law in the colonies was enacted in Virginia.

1624 – In the American colony of Virginia, the upper class was exempted from whipping by legislation.

1764 – In Quebec, Governor James Murray requires inhabitants of Quebec to declare their French money; before May 1

1766 – The first Spanish governor of Louisiana, Antonio de Ulloa, arrived in New Orleans.

1770 – “The Boston Massacre” took place when British troops fired on a crowd in Boston killing five people. Two British troops were later convicted of manslaughter.

1783 – King Stanislaus Augustus Poniatowski grants rights to Jews of Kovno

1793 – Austrian troops defeated the French and recaptured Liege.

1820 – Dutch city of Leeuwarden forbids Jews to go to synagogues on Sundays

1841 – 1st continuous filibuster in US Senate began, lasting until March 11

1842 – A Mexican force of over 500 men under Rafael Vasquez invaded Texas for the first time since the revolution. They briefly occupied San Antonio, but soon headed back to the Rio Grande.

1845 – The U.S. Congress appropriated $30,000 to ship camels to the western U.S.

1861 – The “Stars and Bars” is adopted as the flag of the Confederate States of America.

1867 – An abortive Fenian uprising against English rule took place in Ireland.

1868 – The U.S. Senate was organized into a court of impeachment to decide charges against President Andrew Johnson.

1900 – Two U.S. battleships left for Nicaragua to halt revolutionary disturbances.

1901 – Germany and Britain began negotiations with hopes of creating an alliance.

1902 – In France, the National Congress of Miners decided to call for a general strike for an 8-hour day.

1904 – Nikola Tesla describes the process of the ball lightning formation in Electrical World and Engineer

1905 – Russian troops begin to retreat from Mukden, Manchuria after losing 100,000 troops in three days

1907 – In St. Petersburg, Russia, the new Duma opened. 40,000 demonstrators were dispersed by troops.

1910 – In Philadelphia, PA, 60,000 people left their jobs to show support for striking transit workers.

1912 – The Italians became the first to use dirigibles for military purposes. They used them for reconnaissance flights behind Turkish lines west of Tripoli.

1918 – The Soviets moved the capital of Russia from Petrograd to Moscow.

1923 – Old-age pension laws were enacted in the states of Montana and Nevada.

1924 – King Hussein of Hedzjaz appoints himself kalief

1927 – US Marines land in China to protect American property during a civil uprising.

1933 – U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered a four-day bank holiday in order to stop large amounts of money from being withdrawn from banks.

1934 – In Amarillo, TX, the first Mother’s-In-Law Day was celebrated.

1940 – Members of Soviet politburo sign an order for the execution of 25,700 Polish intelligentsia, including 14,700 Polish POWs, known also as the Katyn massacre

1943 – Germany called fifteen- and sixteen-year-olds for military service due to war losses.

1946 – Winston Churchill delivered his “Iron Curtain Speech”. https://www.c-span.org/video/?509394-1/winston-churchills-iron-curtain-speech

1953 – Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin died. He had been in power for 29 years.

1956 – The U.S. Supreme Court affirmed the ban on segregation in public schools.

1959 – Iran & US sign economic & military treaty

1960 – Alberto Korda takes his famous picture of revolutionary Che Guevara. The iconic photograph, called Guerrillero Heroico, was taken at a memorial service for the victims of the La Coubre explosion.

File:Heroico1.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

1964 – Emergency crisis proclaimed in Ceylon due to social unrest

1968 – US launches Solar Explorer 2 to study the Sun

1970 – 3 SDS Weathermen terrorist group bomb 18 West 11th St in New York NY

1974 – Yom Kippur War: Israeli forces withdraw from the west bank of the Suez Canal.

1977 – U.S. President Jimmy Carter appeared on CBS News with Walter Cronkite for the first “Dial-a-President” radio talk show.

1979 – Iran resumes petroleum exports

1982 – Parliament passes Canada Oil and Gas Act; Petro Canada (the peoples oil and gas company) gets automatic 25% of all new offshore finds; to speed offshore oil and gas development

1984 – The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that cities had the right to display the Nativity scene as part of their Christmas display.

1985 – Mexican authorities find the body of US drug agent Enrique “Kike” Camarena Salaazar

1990 – The Crown charges 8 Canadian flour mills with rigging prices for food aid; $500 million over 12 years, so much for corporate ethics

1992 – Ethic committee votes to reveal congressmen who bounced checks

1993 – Cuban President Fidel Castro said that Hillary Clinton was “a beautiful woman.”

1997 – North Korea and South Korea met for first time in 25 years for peace talks.

1998 – NASA announced that an orbiting craft had found enough water on the moon to support a human colony and rocket fueling station.

2001 – In Mecca, 35 Muslim pilgrims are crushed to death during the annual Hajj pilgrimage

2003 – In Haifa, 17 Israeli civilians are killed by a Hamas suicide bomb in the Haifa bus 37 massacre

2012 – 27 members of Iraq’s security force are killed by gunmen disguised as police in Haditha

2014 – A survey by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights reports that about 1/3 of women in the European Union have experienced physical or sexual violence since the age of 15

2015 – 8th Islamic State militants ransack and destroy ancient cities of Nimrud, Hatra and Dur-Sharrukin in Iraq

2017 – US President Donald Trump in a tweet accuses former President Obama without offering any evidence of wiretapping Trump Towers during the presidential campaign

2018 – North Korean leader Kim Jong-un meets South Korean officials for the first time since taking office, hosting a dinner in Pyongyang

2019 – Second-ever person “cured” of HIV after stem cell transplant treatment in London, England results published in “Nature”

2022 – Explorer Ernest Shackleton’s ship Endurance that sank in 1915, rediscovered in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica in excellent condition

REFERENCE: history.net, onthisday.com, thepeopleshistory.com, timeanddate.com, scopesys.com, on-this-day.com

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