Home Today's History Lesson TODAY’S HISTORY LESSON: MAY 22



1947 – The Truman Doctrine was enacted by the U.S. Congress to appropriate military and economic aid Turkey and Greece.

334 BC – The Macedonian army of Alexander the Great defeats Darius III of Persia in the Battle of the Granicus

1176 – Murder attempt by “Assassins” on Saladin near Aleppo

1370 – Jews are expelled and massacred in Brussels, Belgium

1455 – King Henry VI was taken prisoner by the Yorkists at the Battle of St. Albans, during the War of the Roses.

1570 – Abraham Ortelius published the first modern atlas in Belgium.

1799 – Napoleon makes statement in support of re-establishing Jerusalem for Jews

1807 – Former US Vice President Aaron Burr is tried for treason in Richmond, Virginia (acquitted)

1849 – Abraham Lincoln receives a patent (only US President to do so) for a device to lift a boat over shoals and obstructions

1856 – Violence in the US Senate, South Carolina rep Brooks uses a cane on Massachusetts Senator Charles Sumner

1868 – Near Marshfield, IN, The “Great Train Robbery” took place. The robbery was worth $96,000 in cash, gold and bonds to the seven members of the Reno gang.

1872 – The Amnesty Act restored civil rights to Southerners.

1882 – The U.S. formally recognized Korea.

1900 – The Associated Press was incorporated as a non-profit news cooperative in New York.

1902 – US President Theodore Roosevelt signs a treaty with Mexico under which both countries agree to submit a long-standing dispute over interest payments to the Court of Arbitration at The Hague

1939 – Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini signed a military alliance between Germany and Italy known as the “Pact of Steel.”

1942 – Mexico declares war on Nazi-Germany & Japan

1947 – The Truman Doctrine was enacted by the U.S. Congress to appropriate military and economic aid Turkey and Greece.

1953 – US President Eisenhower signs Offshore Oil Bill

1969 – A lunar module of Apollo 10 flew within nine miles of the moon’s surface. The event was a rehearsal for the first lunar landing.

1972 – U.S. President Nixon became the first U.S. president to visit Russia. He met with Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev.

1985 – US sailor Michael L Walker arrested for spying for USSR

1990 – In the Middle East, North and South Yemen merged to become a single state known as the Republic of Yemen.

1997 – Kelly Flinn, the U.S. Air Force’s first female bomber pilot certified for combat, accepted a general discharge. She thereby avoided court-martial on charges of adultery, lying and disobeying an order.

1998 – New information came to light about the June 1996 bombing that killed 19 American airmen. The information indicated that Saudi citizens had been responsible and not Iranians as once believed.

1998 – A federal judge said that Secret Service agents could be compelled to testify before a grand jury in Monica Lewinsky investigation concerning U.S. President Clinton.

2002 – In Birmingham, AL, a jury convicted former Ku Klux Klansman Bobby Frank Cherry of murder in the 1963 church bombing that killed four girls.

2014 – Royal Thai Armed Forces, led by General Prayut Chan-o-cha stage a coup in Thailand, suspending the kingdom’s constitution and taking control of the government, the 12th since the country’s first coup in 1932

2017 – Suicide bombing at Manchester Arena, England, after Ariana Grande concert kills 22 and injures 59

2019 – Washington State becomes the 1st US state to legalize composting human bodies

REFERENCE: history.net, onthisday.com, thepeopleshistory.com, timeanddate.com, scopesys.com, on-this-day.com


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