
    526 Antioch, modern day Syria, struck by an earthquake, killing about 250,000

    1745 Bonnie Prince Charlie’s army moves into Manchester & occupies Carlisle

    1760 Major Roger Rogers takes possession of Detroit on behalf of Britain.

    1777 The first city to be settled in California, San Jose was founded as San José de Guadalupe. Before the Spanish settled in the city, the area was inhabitated by the Ohlone people

    1787 Louis XVI promulgates an edict of tolerance, granting civil status to Protestants.

    1864 The Sand Creek Massacre occurred in Colorado when a militia led by Colonel John Chivington, killed at least 400 peaceful Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians who had surrendered and had been given permission to camp.

    1877 US inventor Thomas Edison demonstrates his hand-cranked phonograph for the first time

    1903 An Inquiry into the U.S. Postal Service demonstrates the government has lost millions in fraud.

    1929 Commander Richard Byrd makes the first flight over the South Pole.

    1947 The United Nations votes in favor of partitioning the British controlled Palestine and to allow the creation of an Independent Jewish State of Israel. Arab countries all voted against the creation of Israel and 60 years later the area is still in turmoil.

    1949 The United States announces it will conduct atomic tests at Eniwetok Atoll in the Pacific.

    1951 The Thai military took over the country’s governance and reinstated the 1932 Constitution.

    1960 Dr. Robert Soble, the brother of convicted spy Jack Soble, did not put up a fight against the FBI when arrested. These two brothers had been charged of being involved in two different Soviet spy rings

    1961 NASA launches a chimpanzee named Enos into Earth orbit

    1963 President Lyndon B. Johnson appoints Chief Justice Earl Warren head of a commission to investigate the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

    1972 Atari announces the release of Pong, the first commercially successful video game.

    1973 An Egyptian representative walked away from the negotiation table during peace and cease-fire talks. The plan was for Israel and Egypt to soon reach a consensus regarding the terms of cease-fire in the Suez Canal area.

    1973 Chrysler joins other US car makers in closing a number of plants affecting 38,000 workers and announced it was changing the focus to manufacturing smaller more efficient cars to combat the Japanese imports.

    1982 The U.N. General Assembly voted that the Soviet Union should withdraw its troops from Afghanistan.

    1988 The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the rights of criminal defendants are not violated when police unintentionally fail to preserve potentially vital evidence.

    1990 The U.N. Security Council voted to authorize military action if Iraq did not withdraw its troops from Kuwait and release all foreign hostages by January 15, 1991.

    1996 A U.N. court sentenced Bosnian Serb army soldier Drazen Erdemovic to 10 years in prison for his role in the massacre of 1,200 Muslims. The sentence was the first international war crimes sentence since World War II.

    2006 A leaked memo which raises doubts about how well the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki will be able to the control the country’s sectarian violence has been published in the US.

    2007 The European Parliament has voted to tighten laws on obtaining and possessing firearms. The age at which a firearm can be bought or owned will be raised to 18, unless it is for hunting or target shooting under adult supervision.
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