Home Today's History Lesson TODAY’S HISTORY LESSON: NOV 5



1605 – The “Gunpowder Plot” attempted by Guy Fawkes failed when he was captured before he could blow up the English Parliament. Guy Fawkes Day is celebrated every November 5th in Britain to celebrate his failure to blow up all the members of Parliament and King James I.

1492 – Christopher Columbus learns how to grow and harvest maize (corn) from Cuba’s indigenous population

1500 – Astronomer Copernicus observes a lunar eclipse in Rome

1556 – Second Battle of Panipat: Hindu Emperor of north India Hem Chandra Vikramaditya defeated by forces of Mughal Emperor Akbar, who captures and later beheads Hem Chandra

1572 – Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe observes a new star (supernova) with the naked eye in the Cassiopeia constellation, proving objects changed in world beyond the Moon and making his reputation

1605 – The “Gunpowder Plot” attempted by Guy Fawkes failed when he was captured before he could blow up the English Parliament. Guy Fawkes Day is celebrated every November 5th in Britain to celebrate his failure to blow up all the members of Parliament and King James I.

1639 – First post office in the colonies is set up in Massachusetts

1743 – Coordinated scientific observations of the transit of Mercury were organized by Joseph-Nicolas Delisle

1773 – John Hancock is elected as moderator at a Boston town meeting that resolves that anyone who supports the Tea Act is an “Enemy to America”

1781 – John Hanson elected first “President of US in Congress assembled”

1844 – In California, a grizzly bear underwent a successful cataract operation at the Zoological Garden.

1854 – Crimean War: British & French defeat Russian force of 50,000 at Inkerman

1872 – In the U.S., Susan B. Anthony was fined $100 for attempting to vote in the presidential election. She never paid the fine.

1881 – 1,600 police and volunteers attack Māori settlement at Parihaka in western Taranaki which had become the symbol of protest against the confiscation of Māori land, New Zealand

1895 – US state Utah accepts female suffrage

1895 – George B. Selden received the first U.S. patent for an automobile. He sold the rights for $200,000 four years later.

1900 – Under US military control since the end of the Spanish–American War in 1898, Cuba now calls its own constitutional convention

1911 – Italy officially annexed Tripoli.

1912 – Arizona, Kansas & Wisconsin vote for female suffrage

1916 – Emperors Wilhelm II (Germany) and Franz Joseph I (Austria-Hungary) establish the kingdom of Poland

1916 – The Everett Massacre takes place in Everett, Washington as political differences lead to a shoot-out between IWW organizers and local police.

1917 – Supreme Court decision (Buchanan v Warley) strikes down Louisville, Kentucky, ordinance requiring backs & whites to live in separate areas

1925 – British secret agent Sidney Reilly (‘Ace of Spies’) is executed in a forest near Moscow by the OGPU, the secret police of the Soviet Union

1935 – Maryland Court of Appeals orders University of Maryland to admit Donald Murray, a black man

1935 – The game “Monopoly” was introduced by Parker Brothers Company.

Vintage 1935 Monopoly Game by Parker Brothers with Game Board, Made in USA

1940 – U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt won an unprecedented third term in office.

1943 – Vatican City bombed, Vatican City was bombed by a fascist Italian aircraft breaching the neutrality of Vatican during the second World War

1944 – Lord Moyne, a British official, was assassinated by the Zionist Stern gang in Cairo, Egypt.

1956 – British and French forces began landing in Egypt during the Suez Canal Crisis. A cease-fire was declared 2 days later.

1963 – Archaeologists found the remains of a Viking settlement at L’Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland.

1967 – ATS-3 launched by US to take first pictures of full Earth disc

1967 – US troops conquer Loc Ninh South Vietnam

1973 – Arab producers announce 25 percent cut in oil production

1974 – Ella T. Grasso was elected governor of Connecticut. She was the first woman in the U.S. to win a governorship without succeeding her husband.

1979 – Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Khomeini describes the United States as “The Great Satan” amid accusations of imperialism and the sponsoring of corruption

1986 – The White House reaffirmed the U.S. ban on the sale of weapons to Iran.

1987 – In South Africa, Goban Mbeki was released after serving 24 years in the Robben Island prison. He had been sentenced to life for treason against the white minority government of South Africa.

1987 – US Supreme Court nominee Douglas H. Ginsburg admits using marijuana, later withdraws from consideration

1990 – Reports of increasing Saudi petroleum production and lower world demand

1990 – Rabbi Meir Kahane, founder of the Kach movement, was shot to death after a speech at a New York Hotel. His assassin, Egyptian El Sayyid, was later convicted of the murder and was sentenced to life in prison for his part in the World Trade Center bombing.

1992 – Malice Green, a black motorist, was beaten to death in Detroit during a struggle with police. Two officers were later convicted in his death and sentenced to prison.

1994 – Space probe Ulyssus completes 1st passage behind the Sun

1995 – André Dallaire attempts to assassinate Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien; he is thwarted when the PM’s wife locks the door.

1998 – In the U.S., Chairman Henry Hyde of the Judiciary Committee asked President Clinton to answer 81 questions for the House impeachment inquiry.

1998 – The U.N. announced that the Taliban militia had killed up to 5,000 civilians in a takeover of an Afghani town.

2003 – Green Valley Killer pleads guilty, Gary Ridgeway, a serial killer also known as the Green Valley Killer plead guilty to killing 48 women in the 1980s and 1990s.

2009 – 13 killed at Fort Hood, Texas, Major Malik Hasan opened fire at the Soldier Readiness Processing Center in Fort Hood, Texas and killed 13 people, injuring 30.

10 YEARS LATER: Fort Hood shooting | cbs19.tv

2012 – 50 Syrian military personnel are killed by a suicide car bomb in Hama

2014 – New Zealand Prime Minister John Key rules out sending troops to fight against Islamic State, but claims there are 40 New Zealanders on ‘terror watchlist’

2017 – Gunman shoots 26 dead and injures 20 at a church in Sunderland Springs, Texas

2017 – Paradise Papers are leaked; 13.4 million documents from offshore investment firm Appleby, mentioning Queen Elizabeth and Wilbur Ross US Secretary of Commerce

2018 – More than 80 students and teachers kidnapped from a boarding school in Bamenda, Cameroon

2018 – NASA’s Voyager 2 probe leaves the solar system, becoming the second human-made object to reach interstellar space

2018 – Taskforce set up to identify and punish LGBT people in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

2019 – Chinese government set new rules for gaming for young people to try to curb gaming addiction, including maximum 90 mins a day

REFERENCE: history.net, onthisday.com, thepeopleshistory.com, timeanddate.com, scopesys.com, on-this-day.com

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