

    0019 Germanicus, the best loved of Roman princes, dies of poisoning. On his deathbed he accuses Piso, the governor of Syria, of poisoning him.

    0732 At Tours, France, Charles Martel kills Abd el-Rahman and halts the Muslim invasion of Europe.

    1780 Great Hurricane of 1780 kills 20,000 to 30,000 in the Caribbean, hitting Barbados first. Atlantic’s deadliest recorded hurricane.

    1802 1st non indian settlement in Oklahoma

      1845 The U.S. Naval Academy is founded at Annapolis, Md.

    1846 Neptune’s moon Triton discovered by William Lassell

    1899 African-American inventor Issac R. Johnson patents the bicycle frame

    1922 America has long been the worlds largest supplier of oil but many believe the oil reserves will be depleted in America in 25 years while oil reserves in Mexico may well be bigger and last longer with current estimates at 40 years of reserves and it is believed they have the largest oil reserves in the world

    1944 800 Gypsy children, are murdered when they are gassed to death at Auschwitz concentration camps. As well as Jews the Nazi party had decided Gypsies should also be exterminated and approximately 1.5 million Gypsies were murdered by the Nazis.

    1957 Pres Eisenhower apologizes to finance minister of Ghana, Komla Agbeli Gbdemah, after he is refused service in a Dover, Del, restaurant

    1965 The Red Baron made his first appearance in the “Peanuts” comic strip

    1967 Outer Space Treaty is Enforced. Also known as the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, it regulated the exploration and use of outer space and created the field of international space law.

    1970 The Quebec Provincial Minister of Labour, Pierre Laporte, is kidnapped by terrorists.

    1971 The London Bridge, built in 1831 and dismantled in 1967, reopens in Lake Havusu City, Arizona, after being sold to Robert P. McCulloch and moved to the United States.

    1973 Spiro Agnew resigns the vice presidency amid accusations of income tax evasion. President Richard Nixon names Gerald Ford as the new vice president. Agnew is later convicted and sentenced to three years probation and fined $10,000.

    1982 Pope John Paul II canonizes Rev M Kolbe, who volunteered to die in place of another inmate at Auschwitz concentration camp, a saint

    1984 The U.S. Congress passed the 2nd Boland Amendment which outlawed solicitation of 3rd-party countries to support the Contras. The amendment barred the use of funds available to CIA, defense, or intelligence agencies for “supporting, directly or indirectly, military or paramilitary operations in Nicaragua by any nation, group, organization or individual.”

    1991 The United States cut all foreign aid to Haiti in reaction to a military coup that forced President Jean-Claude Aristide into exile

    1991 Former U.S. postal worker Joseph Harris kills two former co-workers at the post office in Ridgewood, New Jersey. The night before, Harris had killed his former supervisor, Carol Ott, with a three-foot samurai sword, and shot her fiance, Cornelius Kasten, in their home. His murders were one of many committed by postal workers which resulted in the phrase “going postal.”

    2002 The US House of Representatives has voted to authorize President George W Bush to unilaterally declare war against Iraq. This allows the US to use force against Iraq in a manner “necessary and appropriate” to protect US national security and enforce UN resolutions.

    2008 Orakzai bombing, Afghanistan: members of the Taliban drive an explosive-laden truck into a meeting of 600 people discussing ways to rid their area of the Taliban; the bomb kills 110.

    2008 Stock markets around the world continue to fall on fears of a major recession following the collapse the financial markets.

    2011 Megavirus chilensis, the largest virus yet to be discovered, was found off the coast of Chile. The newly found virus is ten to twenty times wider than an average virus and is thought to infect small organisms in the sea like amoebas.


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