
    3114 BC Date Maya/Mesoamerican Long Count Calendar starts dating from (as corresponds to the Julian Calendar).

    394 Theodosius becomes sole ruler of Italy after defeating Eugenius at the Battle of the River Frigidus.

    1522 One of the five ships that set out in Ferdinand Magellan’s trip around the world makes it back to Spain. Only 15 of the original 265 men that set out survived. Magellan was killed by natives in the Philippines.

    1870 A Woman casts her Vote in the US for the first time. Louisa Ann Swain voted during state elections in the state of Wyoming.

    1899 Carnation processed its first can of evaporated milk.

    1901 President William McKinley is shot while attending a reception at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York, by 28-year-old anarchist Leon Czolgosz. McKinley dies eight days later, the third American president assassinated.

    1915 The first tank sponsored by the First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston Churchill was produced named Little Willie in a factory in England,

    1916 1st true supermarket, the “Piggly Wiggly” is opened by Clarence Saunders in Memphis, Tennessee

    1921 Members of the Police in Connecticut are investigating the Klu Klux Klan who are recruiting members by proposing “Preserve The Ideals of A Pure Anglo Saxon Civilization.” To join the Klan new members must donate $10.00.

    1941 Jews in German-occupied areas were ordered to wear the Star of David with the word “Jew” inscribed. The order only applied to Jews over the age of 6.

    1943 The United States asks the Chinese Nationals to join with the Communists to present a common front to the Japanese.

    1949 The Allied military authorities relinquished control of the Volkswagen factory which had become the largest car producer in Europe.

    1953 The last American and Korean prisoners are exchanged in Operation Big Switch, the last official act of the Korean War.

    1966 South African Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd who many believe was the Architect of apartheid is stabbed to death during a parliamentary meeting in Cape Town.

    1970 The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) have hijacked four aircraft from airports in Europe: TWA Boeing 707 from Frankfurt to New York, Swissair DC8 from Zurich to New York, El Al Boeing 707 from Amsterdam to New York, and Pan American Boeing 747 from Amsterdam to New York.

    1976 Lieutenant Viktor Belenko, a Soviet air force pilot defects, flying a MiG-25 jet fighter to Japan and requesting political asylum in US.

    1988 Lee Roy Young becomes the first African-American Texas Ranger in the force’s 165-year history.

    1991 Leningrad, second-largest city in the USSR, is changed to Saint Petersburg, which had been the city’s name prior to 1924.

    1993 Syria today backed the peace plan proposed by Yassar Arafat and Israel over self rule for Palestine over the Gaza Strip and the West Bank including the town of Jericho, Syria joined other Arab Nations backing the plan including Jordan and Lebanon.

    1995 U.S. Senator Bob Packwood was expelled by the Senate Ethics Committee.

    1997 Funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales: over 1 million people line London’s streets to honor her and 2.5 billion watched the event on TV.

    1999 More than 200 people who had found refuge in a church in Suai, East Timor were killed by pro-Indonesia militia after the results of an independence referendum came out.

    2006 President Bush asked Congress to pass the Military Commission Act of 2006 which included to re-define U.S. obligations under Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions to change the absolute prohibition on inhumane treatment with a “flexible” standard, which would assess on a case-by-case basis whether particular conduct would amount to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.

    2006 President Bush acknowledged previously secret CIA prisons around the world often referred to as “Black Sites” because they are outside of mainland U.S. territory and US legal jurisdiction.

    2007 Israel Conducts Operation Orchard The military operation was conducted by the Israeli air force to destroy a suspected nuclear reactor in the Deir el-Zor region of Syria.

    2008 A nuclear deal between the United States and India was approved by the Nuclear Suppliers Group. The deal would allow the USA to sell nuclear technology to India in order for India to increase its energy program.

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