

    301 San Marino, one of the smallest nations in the world and the world’s oldest republic still in existence, founded by Saint Marinus

    1189 After the death of Henry II, Richard Lionheart is crowned king of England.

    1346 Edward III of England begins the siege of Calais, along the coast of France.

    1752 This day never happened nor the next 10 as England adopts Gregorian Calendar. People riot thinking the govt stole 11 days of their lives

    1783 The Treaty of Paris is signed by Great Britain and the new United States, formally bringing the American Revolution to an end.

    1838 Frederick Douglass escapes slavery disguised as a sailor. He would later write The Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass, his memoirs about slave life.

    1895 The first professional American football game is played in Latrobe, Pennsylvania between the Latrobe Young Men’s Christian Association and the Jeannette Athletic Club. Latrobe wins 12-0.

    1904 St Louis Olympics close

    1918 5 soldiers hanged for alleged participation in Houston riot of 1917

    1939 World War II: Britain declares war on Germany after invasion of Poland. France follows 6 hours later quickly joined by Australia, New Zealand, South Africa & Canada

    1964 Wilderness Act signed into law by President Lyndon B Johnson

    1971 Qatar independence. The Persian Gulf state gained its independence after 55 years of British rule.

    1972 North Vietnam has released three American Pilots the first POW’s released in 3 years, the pilots were captured during the last 4 years. They will be released to anti-war group.

    1976 The unmanned US spacecraft Viking 2 lands on Mars, takes first close-up, color photos of the planet’s surface.

    1988 Estimated by this date 50,000 Kurdish civilians and soldiers killed by Iraq, many using chemical weapons, in aftermath of Iran-Iraq War

    1989 US begins shipping military aircraft and weapons to Columbia for use against that country’s drug lords.

    1995 Internet giant eBay is founded by Pierre Omidyar

    1999 Mario Lemieux’s ownership group officially took over the National Hockey League’s Pittsburgh Penguins. Lemieux became the first player in the modern era of sports to buy the team he had once played for.

    2004 The Hostage Siege ends in The Beslan school in Russia when The group of armed terrorists who had held more than 1,000 hostages in a Beslan school sets of explosives (disagreements over accidentally or on purpose) sets of a fire in the roof of the building leaving 334 hostages dead including 175 school children

    2013 Egyptian authorities shut down four different television stations that were accused of being sympathetic of the Muslim Brotherhood.



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