Top GOP senators in Obamacare replacement role soften stance on total repeal


    Who wants to bet that Senators Hatch and Alexander are gonna come out with a “misspoke” or “misinterpreted my words” memo concerning their statement about it’s acceptable to repair Obamacare – PB/TK

    Top GOP senators in Obamacare replacement role soften stance on total repeal –


    Two top Republicans expected to lead the charge in the repealing of the Affordable Care Act said this week they are in favor of repairing it in lieu of a total repeal, which the GOP has aimed to do over the last eight years.

    Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., both spoke about Obamacare and the hurdles the GOP is facing in order to repeal the law in its entirety, according to The Washington Post.

    Alexander, the head of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, and Hatch, the head of the Senate Finance Committee, play vital roles in the repeal of the healthcare law.

    “I think of it as a collapsing bridge. . . . You send in a rescue team and you go to work to repair it so that nobody else is hurt by it and you start to build a new bridge, and only when that new bridge is complete, people can drive safely across it, do you close the old bridge,” Alexander said.

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