Home Conservative Trump Administration Ends Funding For Research Using Fetal Tissue (Dailywire)

Trump Administration Ends Funding For Research Using Fetal Tissue (Dailywire)


Trump Administration Ends Funding For Research Using Fetal Tissue – By Emily Zanotti (Dailywire) / June 5 2019

In a huge victory for the pro-life movement, the Trump administration announced today that it is ending the federal government’s contracts with the University of California, San Francisco, over the lab’s use of tissue from electively aborted babies.

Fox News reports that the Department of Health and Human Services announced the contract’s end Wednesday after a six-month investigation into the university’s practices. The investigation was part of a much larger HHS audit looking into research across the board to determine if taxpayers were funding researchers using aborted embryos or fetal tissue.

“Senior administration officials told Fox News on Wednesday that as a result of the review, HHS now will be notifying the University of California, San Francisco that another contract involving research using fetuses from elective abortions will not be renewed,” Fox News reports.

The ban affects only research being done at labs sponsored by the National Institute of Health and doesn’t affect private funding. If the University of California, San Francisco, wishes to continue doing its experiments, it will simply have to seek out private resources, rather than rely on government grants.

A Trump administration official also told Fox News that universities are free to explore using sources of fetal tissue other than aborted fetuses. The Trump administration’s agenda is to protect taxpayers, essentially, from funding the purchase of aborted baby parts.

Photo by Hendrik Schmidt/picture alliance via Getty Images



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