Trump adviser Kudlow says administration is looking ‘very carefully’ at a ‘return-to-work bonus’ (Marketwatch)


    Trump adviser Kudlow says administration is looking ‘very carefully’ at a ‘return-to-work bonus’ – By Victor Reklaitis (Marketwatch) / May 26 2020

    Trump administration signals interest in Republican Sen. Rob Portman’s proposal of providing $450 a week for individuals returning to work

    ‘It’s something we’re looking at very carefully.’ – Larry Kudlow, White House economist

    The line above came Tuesday from top White House economist Larry Kudlow, as he talked with Fox News about the Trump administration’s interest in Sen. Rob Portman’s proposal of providing $450 a week for individuals returning to work.

    “Sen. Portman has a good idea. He understands incentives and disincentives,” Kudlow said, adding that the CARES Act’s $600 supplemental unemployment benefit may have been needed initially, but it’s now a “major disincentive to go back to work.”

    The Republican Portman, Ohio’s junior senator, said last week that “instead of keeping in place the additional $600 of the federal benefit for people on unemployment between now and July 31st,” Washington should “shift some of those federal dollars to a back-to-work bonus.”

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