Home Conservative Trump betrays conservatives: Nominates anti-Christian, pro-LGBT activist to EEOC (Red State)

Trump betrays conservatives: Nominates anti-Christian, pro-LGBT activist to EEOC (Red State)


Trump betrays conservatives: Nominates anti-Christian, pro-LGBT activist to EEOC – by David Leach (stridentconservative.com) / Dec 18 2017

When US Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy created a non-existent constitutional right to same-sex marriage out of thin air in Obergefell v. Hodges, justices in the minority of the 5-4 decision “legalizing” the practice warned of the inevitable threat it would create to the First Amendment right to religious freedom.

While LGBT radicals and their allies in the Gay Mafia deny it, warnings by Justices Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, and Alito about the threats have proven to be true. In fact, the threat to religious liberty resulting from the LGBT agenda existed even before Obergefell.

In a piece I wrote shortly after the same-sex marriage ruling, I joined my fellow conservatives in expressing our concerns over the possible loss of religious liberty. In the article, I quoted several pro-LGBT activists who flat-out admitted that taking down religious liberty was the plan all along. One of those activists is Chai Feldblum, a homosexual activist appointed as a commissioner to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission by Barack Obama.

The “zero-sum game” is how homosexual activist law professor and Obama EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) appointee Chai Feldblum describes the legal battles between modern “rights” based on homosexual “orientation” (read: behavior) and the traditional American principle of religious liberty.

“Gays win, Christians lose,” Feldblum said, predicting homosexuals would win most of the legal contests.

Well, it looks like Donald Trump is ready to give Feldblum and the LGBT agenda a big boost.

In an announcement last week, the “most pro-LGBT” Republican candidate for president re-nominated Feldblum to keep her job at the EEOC. And despite claims by some in Trump’s inner circle of “evangelical advisors” that this only happened because Trump wasn’t briefed on Feldblum or involved in her nomination, the track record of the man who swore to “do everything in (his) power to protect LGBTQ citizens” at the Republican National Convention indicates that this is right in line with the priorities of President Trump and Vice President Pence.

For example, when Trump followed Jared and Ivanka’s advice to reaffirm an Obama executive order that essentially legalized discrimination against Christian business owners by requiring them to embrace the LGBT agenda or lose their right to do business with the federal government, Pence–who has a history of his own when it comes to caving to LGBT radicals–defended the pro-LGBT decision.

“I think throughout the campaign, President Trump made it clear that discrimination would have no place in our administration. I mean, he was the very first Republican nominee to mention the LGBTQ community at our Republican National Convention and was applauded for it. And I was there applauding with him”

In June, Trump pretended to reverse an Obama directive that allowed students to use bathrooms and showers based on their gender identity. In reality, Trump’s order opened the door for the government to prosecute schools that fail to recognize a transgendered student’s “right” to use the facility of their choice.

From the very beginning, the Fellowship of the Pharisees have defended Trump because he’s “God’s man,” and he will protect religious liberty. It seems to me that nominating a pro-LGBT, anti-Christian lesbian activist to a federal job where she can advance the LGBT agenda fails in that department.

Originally posted on The Strident Conservative.


PB/TK – But is Feldblum qualified for the position because there have been POTUS as of late who have nominated individuals who do not qualify, but let’s overlook that and make sure that said individual is a “Yea!” ass kissing person instead. 

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