Trump claims accomplishments ‘blow Ronald Reagan away,’ blasts ‘false and corrupt’ media: new book (FOX News)


    Trump claims accomplishments ‘blow Ronald Reagan away,’ blasts ‘false and corrupt’ media: new book – By Lukas Mikelionis ( / Nov 28 2018

    President Trump said his presidency so far makes him “far greater than Ronald Reagan” and slammed conservative columnists for not giving him enough credit because of his name.

    The president made the remarks to former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and his deputy David Bossie for their new book, “Trump’s Enemies: How the Deep State is Undermining the Presidency,” which hit the shelves Tuesday.

    Trump told the authors that the media has been focusing on his administration’s problems while ignoring its successes.

    “I blow Ronald Reagan away,” he said of his presidency, the Washington Examiner reported.

    Trump also slammed conservative columnists, saying they don’t give him enough credit for his policies — probably because of his name.

    “The amazing thing is that you have certain people who are conservative Republicans that — if my name weren’t Trump, if it were John Smith, they would say I’m the greatest president in history and I blow Ronald Reagan away,” Trump said.

    “All these guys that if they looked at my agenda with a different name … and he got the biggest regulation cuts in history in less than two years, judges, environmental stuff, getting out of the Paris horror show. If you said that conservative President John Smith did that, they would say he’s the greatest president. Far greater than Ronald Reagan,” he added.

    “The amazing thing is that you have certain people who are conservative Republicans that if my name weren’t Trump, if it were John Smith, they would say I’m the greatest president in history and I blow Ronald Reagan away.”
    — President Trump

    The president also told the authors that the overwhelming majority of the media are “totally corrupt,” doubling down on his latest attacks against the press.

    “Eighty-five percent of [the media] is totally corrupt,” Trump said, according to the Examiner, and even claimed that some outlets make up sources.

    “You can do something great and they will make it look bad, to a point that you don’t even understand why they’re doing it. Why do they want to make it look bad? Whether it’s fixing the military or cutting regulation,” he said.

    “But people have no idea how false and corrupt much of the media is. When you read some of these stories, you pick up the New York Times, and they don’t call you for sources. They’ll say, ‘sources say,’ and there are no sources. So that would be the one thing that surprised me. The level of corruption and the level of fake news.”

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