Trump, Congress head for fight over tolls


    Who’s gonna be the first one to piss off the Trucking Society, both Independents and Company? – PB/TK

    Trump, Congress head for fight over tolls  – By Melania Zanona /  May 28 2017

    The White House and Congress are headed for a fight over President Trump’s desire to build new toll ways on U.S. highways.

    The administration is drafting plans to lift current tolling restrictions on interstate highways as part of an effort to upgrade the nation’s infrastructure.

    But the contentious idea will be a tough sell in Congress, where lawmakers have generally been reluctant to broach the unpopular subject.

    “I’m not a big fan of tolling. I don’t like paying for a road twice,” Rep. Sam Graves (R-Mo.), chairman of the Transportation and Infrastructure highways and transit subcommittee, told reporters Thursday.

    At the same time, Graves said: “Everything’s on the table.”

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