Trump friend Roger Stone suggests Robert Mueller ‘framed’ him in Instagram post that could violate gag order (CNBC)


    Trump friend Roger Stone suggests Robert Mueller ‘framed’ him in Instagram post that could violate gag order – By Dan Mangan (CNBC) / March 3 2019

    Roger Stone on Sunday suggested he has been “framed” by special counsel Robert Mueller in an Instagram post.

    Roger Stone on Sunday suggested he has been “framed” by special counsel Robert Mueller in an Instagram post that appeared to run afoul of a judge’s barely week-old gag order barring President Donald Trump’s longtime friend from criticizing the prosecutors in the criminal case against him.

    Stone deleted the only image in that multi-image post that included “Who framed Roger Stone” language shortly after CNBC emailed his lawyer to ask about it.

    Stone’s post was put online less than 48 hours after the judge, Amy Berman Jackson, ordered lawyers for the admitted Republican “dirty trickster” to explain why they did not tell her earlier about the planned publication of a book by Stone that could violate her gag order on him.

    Stone announced on Instagram in January that he was coming out with the book, “The Myth of Russian Collusion: The Inside Story of How Trump Really Won.”

    In her gag order in U.S District Court in Washington, D.C., Jackson barred Stone from “making statements to the media or in public settings about the Special Counsel’s investigation or this case or any of the participants in the investigation or the case.”

    The gag extends to “posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other form of social media.” If Stone violates the order, Jackson could order him jailed without bail until his trial.

    Jackson had slapped that order on Stone on Feb. 21 after he posted on Instagram a photo showing the judge’s face next to a rifle scope’s crosshair.

    Stone’s new post is comprised of a rotating series of images that ask for money to support Stone’s defense to charges that he lied to Congress and tampered with a witness.

    One says, “I am committed to proving my innocence. But I need your help.” Another photo, which shows a young Stone standing behind Trump years ago, says, “I’ve always had Trump’s back. Will you have mine?” Two other images tout a “Roger Stone Did Nothing Wrong” t-shirt and “Stone Cold Truth” sweatshirt.

    The post originally had an image showing Stone wearing eyeglasses under the words “Who Framed Roger Stone,” a reference to the movie “Who Framed Roger Rabbit.” The image has been on the Internet for some time.

    A spokesman for Mueller declined to comment Sunday. Stone’s lawyer did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

    Stone, who remains free on a $250,000 signature bond, was arrested in Florida in late January and has pleaded not guilty to the seven counts against him, including making false statements to Congress, witness tampering and obstructing justice.

    Mueller has said Stone lied to Congress about his alleged efforts to have WikiLeaks release material hacked by Russian agents from Democrats, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, during the 2016 campaign that ended with Trump’s victory.

    An indictment alleges Stone was in contact with top-ranking Trump campaign officials about efforts to leak damaging information about Clinton right before Election Day.

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