Home Conservative Trump: Gas Prices Going Up ‘Bigger Than a Tax Increase’ (CNS News)

Trump: Gas Prices Going Up ‘Bigger Than a Tax Increase’ (CNS News)


Trump: Gas Prices Going Up ‘Bigger Than a Tax Increase’ – By Melanie Arter (CNS News) / Mar 17 2021

(CNSNews.com) – Gas prices are going up “at a far more rapid rate than anyone’s seen in a long time,” former President Donald Trump said Tuesday, predicting a $1 to $3 increase, which he said is bigger than a tax increase.

In an interview with “Fox News Primetime,” Trump pointed out that the economy “was recovering” under his administration twice.


“We got it to a level that the world has never seen before. We were the envy of the world, and then when we got hit by the – as I call it – the China virus, COVID. It was, it obviously went down along with every economy, and then we were the first to get it back up, and we actually, the stock market, when I left was higher, slightly higher than it was even at the prime prior to COVID,” he said.

“So, it was incredible what we were able to do. If you look at the jobs numbers, we had the all-time highest number of jobs. We had 162 million people working. We were never close to that. Everything we had, African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic-American. Everybody was setting records – women. It didn’t matter,” the former president said.

CONTINUE > https://www.cnsnews.com/article/washington/melanie-arter/trump-gas-prices-going-bigger-tax-increase


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