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Trump Gets Annoyed When Reporter Refuses to Remove Mask to Ask a Question (Slate)


Trump Gets Annoyed When Reporter Refuses to Remove Mask to Ask a Question – By Daniel Politi (Slate) / Sept 7 2020

President Donald Trump pretty much demanded that a reporter take off his mask while asking a question at a news conference on Monday. Shortly after Jeff Mason of Reuters started to ask his question, the president interrupted him: “You’re going to have to take that off, please. You can take it off. How many feet away are you?” Mason appears to go to take off his mask for a second but then seems to think better of it and tells Trump he’ll speak “a lot louder.” Trump clearly did not like the pushback and continued insisting. “Well, if you don’t take it off, you’re very muffled, so if you would take it off, it would be a lot easier,” he said.

Mason proceeded to raise his voice and asked, “Is that better?” Trump looked quite annoyed and let out an audible sigh but conceded he could hear the reporters. “It’s … better, yeah. It’s better.”


Later on in the news conference, Trump praised a reporter who did take off his mask. “You sound so clear,” Trump said, “as opposed to everybody else.”


Continue to article: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/09/trump-annoyed-reporter-refuses-remove-mask-jeff-mason.html

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