Trump Kicks Off His 2020 Reelection Campaign on Saturday


    Never too late to get a jump on 2020, especially when you’re only 29 days in to your first term. The again, poli-talkers were always saying Obama never stopped campaigning between 2008 and 2016-  PB/TK 

    Trump Kicks Off His 2020 Reelection Campaign on Saturday – David A. Graham The Atlantic

    Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign was a work of virtuoso improvisation: Even though it seemed to be in permanent chaos, with frequent changes of leadership, perpetual gaffes, and a strategy devised on the fly, the Republican managed to defeat the elaborate, best-and-brightest, data-wonk team of Hillary Clinton.

    If the early indications hold, it doesn’t look like Trump is going to fly on a wing and a prayer again in 2020. In fact, he’s kicking the campaign off on Saturday, with a rally in Melbourne, Florida

    For those of you not keeping score at home, that means Trump is hosting his first rally of the 2020 campaign just 29 days into his presidency.

    The idea of a “permanent campaign” has been floating around American political circles since 1980, when Sidney Blumenthal used it as the title for a book. It was during the presidency of Bill Clinton, whom Blumenthal advised, that the idea really came into practice. Even by the standards of modern-day presidents, Clinton loved politicking, and his team held on to campaign methods once in the White House, famously calling on polling to help determine its course. Newt Gingrich helped Republicans capture the House in 1994, in part by adopting the same tactics. Each of Clinton’s successors has adopted the permanent-campaign mentality to some degree.

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